“There are no foreign lands. It is the traveler only who is foreign.” – Robert Louis Stevenson

While our books, newspapers and magazines make up the bulk of what we do, there are several other strings to our collective bow as well.
We provide regular guest blogs specific to Florida for the U.K.'s biggest ticket broker for the Sunshine State, AttractionTickets.com, as well as for several other Florida specialist agencies. We have also covered Florida for niche publications like Sky Travel, GO! Magazine, Overseas Property TV and RCI Magazine.
Additionally, we have produced specialized, expert insight for various destination-specific guides, including Visit Florida's U.K. visitor guide and the Telegraph's online Florida Guide, while we created pages of all-new destination content for Florida First, who focus on a broader view of the state in all its natural glories.
When it comes to cruising, Simon has been a devotee since he took his very first

voyage in 1969 (when he was nine) and, while Susan is a more recent convert to cruise vacations (circa 2004), she is equally emphatic that the right cruise is the perfect style of holiday-making.
Along with the blog and videos for The Cruise Line, we have shared our ocean- and river-cruising expertise through reports and features for World of Cruising magazine (which Simon edited for 15 years), the Telegraph, Independent, Mail on Sunday, The Sun and BBC Travel.
We have covered cruises as varied as the luxury experience on the 28-passenger Atmosphere of Nomads of the Seas (which we wrote about for the Mail on Sunday - you can read it on this link) and the all-singing, all-dancing style of the gigantic Oasis of the Seas of Royal Caribbean.
This dedication to authentic cultural experiences was amply demonstrated through an adventure-style cruise on

board the SS Legacy of UnCruise Adventures (as featured for the BBC on this link), which produced the astounding photo above.
But, while we love luxury cruising (who wouldn't?), we are equally happy featuring homey log cabin vacations in the mountains of North Carolina; wine tasting in centuries-old Hungarian wine cellars; quirky foodie experiences in Bulgaria; and historical sites in locations as varied as Romania, Colombia and Chile, as well as the good ol' United States of America.
We are constantly on the look-out for travel ideas, especially stories from the road less traveled. What exciting new adventures can we share with your readers? Contact us at venesstravelmedia@yahoo.com.
“We wander for distraction but we travel for fulfillment.” – Hilaire Belloc
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